• Excel and SharePoint: A Match Made in Heaven

    In the early days of SharePoint (the 2001 to 2004 era), SharePoint itself was little more than an awkward conglomeration of diverse Microsoft products and services. Since then, SharePoint has synthesized the various components, added a great number of new features, and done so while maintaining compatibility with all its various Microsoft "cousins."

    Among the many bedfellows that are deeply integrated with SharePoint, the most powerful and diverse can be seen in the Microsoft Excel services. Those who use Excel to a great degree will see a lot of benefit from working in the framework of a well-structured Microsoft SharePoint server. Not only will collaboration opportunities increase, but organization, access, and presentational options. At the same time, those who enjoy the benefits of SharePoint have a lot to gain from learning the ins and outs of Microsoft Excel. The data processing, organization, and compilation features of excel magnify many of the utilities found within SharePoint itself.

    There are three simple keys to maximizing the synergistic benefits of SharePoint and Excel:

    • Learn how to export/import, organize, publish, and work with the advanced features of Microsoft Excel.
    • Educate your staff on how to use collaborative elements via SharePoint, as well as the other SharePoint features.
    • Create a solid framework to examine, work with, and present your Excel data.
    If you need help on executing, organizing, or understanding any aspect of the SharePoint features, we can help. Contact us today at (877) 368-7207 or info@SharePointEngine.com.

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